We love sharing useful and appropriate content with our constituents, but we must comply with state and federal digital accessibility laws. Here are our guidelines and requirements:
General Guidelines:
- IRB Approval: An IRB approval number is required for all research studies.
- UF Researchers: We highly suggest asking UF Studies to post to their Facebook page first, then request us to share that post. UF CTSI has recruitment consultation that you may find helpful.
- Your Social Media: Post on your social media and tag or notify us (this is the preferred method). We will review and share, if appropriate.
- Our Social Media: With our director’s approval, we may post your content if you do not have a social media account, see content requirements below.
- Flyers: If you email us a pdf or image of your flyer, we can print your flyer and post it on the bulletin board in our office. If you would also like the content of the flyer posted online, please include in your email the text and image as described in content requirements below for the online post. If your flyer includes a QR code, also provide a shortened URL.
- Accessibility Matters: Ensure your content complies with WCAG accessibility guidelines. We are more likely to share accessible content.
Content Requirements:
- For UF CARD to post your research or other content on our website and/or social media you will need to provide:
- The title of the post.
- The text for the body of the post.
- A copyright free image with no embedded text.
- Appropriate alternative text for the image.
- Contact information
- Responsibility: We are not responsible for any consequences to your project resulting from posting your content. Social media can be unpredictable.
- Right to Remove: We reserve the right to remove content. If you request your content to be removed, we may not be able to remove it immediately. Please consider this when creating your content.
For any questions, please email card-info@ufl.edu.
Update 1/23/2025