UF CARD has a team of professionals who have experience serving children and adults with autism and related disabilities. Our goal is to help ‘build capacity’ such that individuals as well as organizations learn skills and strategies to help themselves and/or their children or the individuals they serve.
All services provided by UF CARD are FREE of charge.
UF CARD Primary Services:
- Consultation via email/telephone or short-term as appropriate to home or community
- Technical Assistance to schools & agencies
- Training on a variety of topics regarding autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities
- Public Education provided at community events
- Resource Referral for community services
Additional Services:
- Visual Supports Lab with materials for developing schedules, communication boards, social narratives, etc.
- Support/Social Groups for children and adults with autism and related disabilities and their parents/caregivers
- Website, eNews, and Social Media sharing information about upcoming trainings and conferences
- Annual Statewide CARD Conference featuring nationally recognized speakers held each January. Scholarships may be available for CARD constituents and their parents/guardians.
CARD does not provide services such as therapy (for example ABA, OT, PT), ongoing behavioral interventions, diagnosis, respite care, or medical care of any kind.
For information about diagnostic assessments and therapies at UF Health please see UF Health Child or Adult Psychiatry, or contact UF Health CAN.
Who do we serve?
Eligibility Criteria:
- Documented diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or related disability (see below), or
- ASD or dual sensory impairment (DSI) listed as an exceptionality on the student’s IEP, or
- For students under 9 years old, eligible for developmentally delayed (DD) special education program and referred for ASD or DSI program eligibility determination
Parents and guardians with children who meet eligibility criteria or adults who meet eligibility criteria can pre-register on our website or by calling (352)265-2230.
CARD serves children and adults of all levels of intellectual functioning who have autism, autistic-like disabilities, pervasive developmental disorder, dual sensory impairments (deaf-blindness), or a vision or hearing loss with another disabling condition. We are required by the legislation that created CARD to have documentation of a qualifying diagnosis in order for an individual to receive our services. The diagnosis can be made by a physician, such as a pediatrician, psychiatrist or neurologist, or by a licensed psychologist. In cases where no diagnosis has been made, we encourage parents to call us for information on where they can go for a diagnostic evaluation.
Does CARD diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder?
No, CARD staff do not perform diagnostic evaluations, but we can possibly provide you with information regarding providers who can perform the evaluation. If you live in the 14 counties we serve (see list below), contact our office for more information. If you live elsewhere in Florida, contact your regional CARD office.
Counties Served by UF CARD Gainesville: Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Lafayette, Levy, Marion, Putnam, Suwannee, Union.
What do I need to do to get started?
- For individuals and families see our Registration page
- For schools and agencies see our For Schools and Agencies page
If you have any questions please call us at 352-265-2230 or email us at