Requests from Families

Requests for Services from Individuals/Families/Caregivers

Service Description

Individual Assistance/Consultation (IA)

UF CARD provides consultation to individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities, their families, caregivers, and community members if appropriate.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Documented diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or related disability (see below), or
  • ASD or dual sensory impairment (DSI) listed as an exceptionality on the student’s IEP, or
  • For students under 9 years old, eligible for developmentally delayed (DD) special education program and referred for ASD or DSI program eligibility determination
  • Must reside in the UF CARD region

Parents and guardians with children who meet eligibility criteria or adults who meet eligibility criteria can pre-register on our website or by calling 352-265-2230.

CARD serves children and adults of all levels of intellectual functioning who have autism, autistic-like disabilities, pervasive developmental disorder, dual sensory impairments (deaf-blindness), or a vision or hearing loss with another disabling condition. We are required by the legislation that created CARD to have documentation of a qualifying diagnosis in order for an individual to receive our services. The diagnosis can be made by a physician, such as a pediatrician, psychiatrist or neurologist, or by a licensed psychologist. In cases where no diagnosis has been made, we encourage parents to call us for information on where they can go for a diagnostic evaluation.

Accessing Services

  • Register with UF CARD
  • Attend Orientation – Each month we hold an orientation for new constituents and their families via Zoom webinar. During the registration process the intake coordinator will inform you of the next orientation date. When you attend orientation, you will learn about UF CARD services and how our staff can help you on your journey. You will also receive information to help you get started on your next steps.
  • Consultation is then provided as needed by request. YOU MUST CONTACT US to request services.
  • Technical Assistance/Consultation is also available at school or other community agencies. School/agency personnel can submit a request to invite us in to collaborate and develop strategies.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Reviewed 10/29/24