
Welcome to CARDcasts – podcasts from the University of Florida Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UF CARD).

The mission of UF CARDCasts is to share with our listeners relevant information about who we are, what we do, and what we can do to help you. Over the course of our podcast series, we will be talking with members of our own staff as well as our constituents and their families, service providers, and researchers who are doing groundbreaking work in the field of autism.

CARDcast Episode 1: A History of CARD at UF and in Florida

CARDcast #1 March 2020 – A History of CARD at UF and in Florida

CARDcast Episode 2: Interview with Trish and Nick Thoburn

CARDcast #2 April 2020 – An Interview with Trish and Nick Thodurn

CARDcast Episode 3: A Brief History of Community-Based Living for Individuals with Disabilities with Mr. John Townsend

CARDcast #3 July 2020 A Brief History of Community-Based Living for Individuals with Disabilities with Mr. John Townsend

CARDcast Episode 4: Teresia Dulaney – Author and Mom of Two Adults with Autism

CARDcast #4: Teresia Dulaney – Author and Mom of Two Adults with Autism

CARDcast Episode 5: An Interview with the Officers of UF’s Impact Autism

CARDcast # 5: An Interview with the Officers of UF’s Impact Autism

CARDcast Episode 6: Religion and Autism Part 1

CARDcast #6: Religion and Autism Part 1

CARDcast Episode 6: Religion and Autism Part 2

CARDcast Episode 7: Nutrition

CARDcast #7: Nutrition